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News Quiz for August 19, 2023

News Quiz for August 19, 2023
Photo: From left: Adam Berry/Bloomberg News; Peter Dazeley/Getty Images; Megan Varner/The Washington Post/Getty Images

1 OF 8

District Attorney Fani Willis charged former President Donald Trump with operating a criminal enterprise that tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election. In which Georgia county were the charges brought?

2 OF 8

Authorities agreed to return cellphones and computers seized from the Marion County Record in Kansas. What was the headline on the weekly newspaper’s latest front page?

3 OF 8

To stem a ruble selloff, what emergency measure did Russia impose?

4 OF 8

Scientists reconstructed a piece of music from the mental activity of patients who heard it during brain surgery. Name that tune.

5 OF 8

Washington slapped new tariffs on imports from Canada, China and Germany—covering which products?

6 OF 8

VinFast shares soared in their market debut. What business is it in?

7 OF 8

Israel struck a $3.5 billion deal to sell its most advanced air-defense system—to whom?

8 OF 8

Italian makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese have a new way to guarantee authenticity. What is it?

Please answer all the questions to receive a score

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