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The race to become the sole alternative to Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination grew sharper as DeSantis and Haley faced each other alone in a testy debate, and Christie withdrew from the contest.

The race to become the sole alternative to Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination grew sharper as DeSantis and Haley faced each other alone in a testy debate, and Christie withdrew from the contest.
Republican candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis squared off calling each other liars and insulting the other’s record at the Jan. 10 GOP debate in Des Moines, Iowa, hosted by CNN. Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

DES MOINES, Iowa—The race to become the sole alternative to Donald Trump in the GOP nomination contest grew sharper Wednesday as Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley faced each other alone in a testy debate hours after the departure of the most vocal anti-Trump candidate.

Wednesday night’s face-off at Drake University, broadcast on CNN, came after the presidential race was jolted by the withdrawal of Chris Christie, who gave no indication that he would endorse anyone as he tore into Republicans for failing to mount a stronger challenge to Trump, the former president and GOP nomination front-runner.

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