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There Isn’t Even a Bias Toward Odd Numbers

There Isn’t Even a Bias Toward Odd Numbers

Many work an eight-hour day in a 40-hour week and fill their pockets with 10-, 20-, 50- and 100-dollar bills.

Are odd numbers dominating our lives as Gregg Opelka writes in “The Odds Are Against Even Numbers” (op-ed, Dec. 26)? Well, we just enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas and will soon begin the election year 2024 for officials who serve 2-, 4- or 6-year terms.

After finishing 12 years of primary and secondary education followed by a four-year degree, many begin working an eight-hour day in a 40-hour week and filling their pockets with 10-, 20-, 50- and 100-dollar bills.

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