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Biden to Mark Jan. 6 by Putting Threats to Democracy at Center of 2024 Message

Biden to Mark Jan. 6 by Putting Threats to Democracy at Center of 2024 Message

President is using anniversary of Capitol riot to warn of dangers of electing Trump

President Biden is opening the 2024 election year with a dire warning about the threats he says Donald Trump poses to American democracy. 

As Democrats worry about a lack of enthusiasm among their core supporters, Biden is marking the anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot with a speech Friday afternoon near Valley Forge, Pa., where George Washington and the Continental Army huddled for a winter during the Revolutionary War. Facing another contest against Trump, the likely Republican nominee, Biden is arguing that the former president and his allies are undermining U.S. democracy with false claims about widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

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