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Worldwide, 2024 Elections Promise a Whirlwind

Worldwide, 2024 Elections Promise a Whirlwind

From a potential Trump-Biden rematch to Spain’s constitutional crisis, voters will decide a lot.

Joseph C. Sternberg

Dec. 28, 2023 12:49 pm ET

It’s (almost) election year, baby! Every year is important in its way, and most elections matter to someone. Even so, 2024 promises to be unusually electorally exciting due to the sheer amount of voting across the democratic world—and over what issues.

What seems likely to be an awful U.S. presidential election in November is only part of the story. Hyperventilation about Donald Trump’s supposedly authoritarian instincts and well-founded concerns over Biden family corruption will motivate the major parties’ bases. But don’t lose sight of the global significance of this contest, given the security and economic threats and challenges confronting the winner.

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“Political Economics” reports on the ways fast-changing economies and shifting politics around the world are reshaping each other–and how an election in Europe or a recession in Asia is never as far away from home as it used to be. It’s published weekly on Thursday evenings.

Joseph C. Sternberg

Joseph C. Sternberg is a member of the Journal’s editorial board and the Political Economics columnist. He joined the Journal in 2006 as an editorial writer in Hong Kong, where he also edited the Business Asia column. He is author of “The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby Boomers Stole the Millennials’ Economic Future,” examining the consequences of the Great Recession.

Previously he worked as a journalist in Washington, D.C. Raised in Vermont, Mr. Sternberg is a graduate of The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va
