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New York’s top court ordered the state to draw new congressional district boundaries ahead of the 2024 elections, giving a potential boost to Democrats in their effort to win a majority in the House.

Ruling could boost Democrats in closely divided House of Representatives

Updated Dec. 12, 2023 5:55 pm ET

ALBANY, N.Y.—New York’s top court ordered the state to draw new congressional district boundaries ahead of the 2024 elections, delivering a potential boost to Democrats in their effort to win a majority in the House of Representatives.

The ruling Tuesday threw out district maps drawn for 2022 that Republicans sought to keep in place until 2032. Both parties were already girding for several contested seats in New York, where five districts had been rated as tossups by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. The House is closely divided, with 221 Republicans and 213 Democrats.

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