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Israel, Ukraine, China: Foreign Challenges Hinder Biden’s Re-Election Bid

Two wars strain president’s ability to focus on persuading voters ahead of 2024

Updated Nov. 18, 2023 12:04 am ET

SAN FRANCISCO—During a much-anticipated summit this week with Chinese President Xi Jinping aimed at resetting relations between the two powers, President Biden took a briefing from Jake Sullivan, his national security adviser, on a completely different topic: the swelling conflict in the Middle East.

Israel’s fight against Hamas, a war in Ukraine that is slipping toward a stalemate and a tenuous detente with China are all competing for the president’s time with less than a year until the 2024 election. As Biden campaigns for a second term, the overlapping crises are complicating his bid to persuade U.S. voters he is focused on the domestic issues they care about most. 

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