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Sidney Powell, a lawyer who played a leading role in the effort to reverse Trump’s 2020 election loss, cut a deal to testify against him and others who Georgia prosecutors allege engaged in a criminal enterprise to subvert democracy.

Updated Oct. 19, 2023 6:31 pm ET

ATLANTA—Sidney Powell, a lawyer who played a leading role in the effort to reverse Donald Trump’s election loss in 2020, cut a deal to testify against the former president and others who Georgia prosecutors allege engaged in a “criminal enterprise” to subvert democracy.

A lawyer who was in Trump’s inner circle in the months after the November 2020 election, Powell pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges Thursday in exchange for a sentence that avoids jail time. In open court, she admitted to orchestrating a scheme to access voting equipment in a rural Georgia county in hopes of substantiating conspiracy theories that voting machines were flipping votes.

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