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News Quiz for July 22, 2023

Photo: From left: FRED TANNEAU/AFP/Getty Images; Cindy Ord/Getty Images; Bettmann/Getty Images

1 OF 8

Embroiled in a research controversy, Marc Tessier-Lavigne resigned as president of a major university. Which one?

2 OF 8

Former President Trump was told he’s a target of a probe into efforts to undo his loss in the 2020 election. Name the special counsel who’s investigating.

3 OF 8

The hunt for lithium for EV batteries has firms focused on a brine-rich area of the South. What’s it called?

4 OF 8

Which U.S. Senators are pushing a bill to bar members of Congress and the executive branch from owning stock in individual companies?

5 OF 8

Some people make a living hunting space rocks. What’s the name of the comprehensive worldwide list of meteorites?

6 OF 8

Silicon Valley stars including Jack Dorsey are drawn to one particular presidential candidate. Who’s that?

7 OF 8

South Koreans could say “OK, Boomer” thanks to the visit of a nuclear-capable submarine (the big ones are called Boomers). Name that vessel.

8 OF 8

The new Louis Armstrong Center opened across from his former home—in what part of New York City?

Please answer all the questions to receive a score

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