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Lamar Jackson’s Record-Breaking Contract, Early QBs Dominate NFL Draft

Lamar Jackson’s Record-Breaking Contract, Early QBs Dominate NFL Draft

Hours before the draft began with the Carolina Panthers taking Alabama quarterback Bryce Young, the Ravens signed their star quarterback to a long-term deal after he had previously asked to be traded.

The biggest news on the day of the NFL draft arrived a few hours before the selections began: The Ravens and star quarterback Lamar Jackson agreed to a record-breaking contract, keeping him in Baltimore for the long haul after he had asked to be traded.

The deal is worth $260 million over five years, a person familiar with the matter said. The $52 million annual value marks a new high-water mark in the league and comes after tensions had mounted to the point where Jackson posted on social media a couple months ago that he wanted to play elsewhere. 

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