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Why Democrats Want a Trump-Biden Rematch

Why Democrats Want a Trump-Biden Rematch

Trump’s legal woes and age make him more beatable than DeSantis, party officials say

Democrats believe former President Donald Trump, who was indicted on Tuesday for his alleged role in paying hush money to a porn actress ahead of the 2016 election, is a threat to democracy and shouldn’t return to the White House. Many of them also think he is the best possible opponent for President Biden in 2024.

With protesters and news media assembled in the streets, Mr. Trump reported to a Manhattan courthouse, where he pleaded not guilty to 34 counts related to the hush money and the alleged coverup. On his way to the proceedings, he posted on his social-media site: “Seems so SURREAL—WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can’t believe this is happening in America.”

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