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Finland’s Sanna Marin Faces Tight Election as Country Prepares to Join NATO

Finland’s Sanna Marin Faces Tight Election as Country Prepares to Join NATO

Economic pressures from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threaten to unseat the Finnish prime minister

Finns are voting in an election Sunday that could determine whether Prime Minister Sanna Marin will lead the country as it enters NATO in a few days’ time, after a campaign dominated by the economic and security aftershocks of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Though the outcome won’t affect Finland’s accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which marks a new course for the country after decades of nonalignment, polls indicate a tight race that could unseat Ms. Marin, who has gained international fame for her feminist politics. Given that no party is large enough to command a majority without governing partners, Finland may be headed into lengthy negotiations to form a ruling coalition.

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