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Neil Sedaka achieved rare success in the music industry. Is that still possible today?

Neil Sedaka achieved rare success in the music industry. Is that still possible today?


Look closely at almost anything and you’ll find data—lots of it. But when you push past the calculations, what are all those numbers really saying about who we are and what we believe? CNN’s Harry Enten is on a mission to find out. This season on Margins of Error, Harry looks at why belief in ghosts is on the rise, the case for letting states decide whether to acknowledge Daylight Saving Time, and why human composting—not cremation—may be the answer to a climate friendly death.

  • Introducing Margins of Error

    Every stat has a story and CNN’s Harry Enten is on a mission to find out what the numbers have to say about who we are and what we believe. Premiering Tuesday, Sept. 21.

  • How The Paranormal Became, Well, Pretty Normal

    Do you believe in ghosts? Turns out a lot of people do in this country … more than 45% of us. That’s up almost 400% in the last 40 years! So what happened? Harry Enten digs into the numbers behind the paranormal and whether the uptick has anything to do with a certain 1980s hit movie.

  • Just Think of the Time We Save

    If nearly 70% of Americans dislike changing the time, why does it keep happening every year like clockwork? Harry dives into the debate with the top experts to see if we can finally get our timing right. Special guest: Jon Lovett.

  • The Sleeping Separately Solution

A surprising number of couples sleep separately, yet very few like to talk about it. Harry looks into the data and trends around sleeping arrangements, as well as the history of couples sleeping together and apart. 

  • What’s Your Exit Strategy?

    While we don’t have much say about how we come into this world, we can certainly plan for what happens to us after we leave. Turns out death is a big business and there’s a trend on the rise: cremation over burial. Harry asks what’s behind the shift and the implications for all eternity.

  • Can You Put a Number on Love?

    Few rules dominate the dating world as much as “divide by two and add seven.” But where did that rule even come from, and does it hold up today? Harry looks at the history of the age gaps in relationships and tries to find out whether the math actually works out for couples.

  • (Don’t) Call Me, Maybe

    A surprising percentage of people today, including Harry, hate making and receiving phone calls. Our reluctance to dial in, is affecting everything from national polling to workplace relationships to our levels of anxiety. Harry asks why we’re avoiding phone calls and whether we can be coached through our telephone-related nerves. We want to know what you think of this show! Go to to share your feedback.

  • Is This the End of Election Night?

    It’s been a year since Americans waited on edge to find out the winner in one of the strangest election of our lifetimes. CNN’s Harry Enten revisits that night and gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how election night turned into election week. He’ll also explore the repercussions of the delayed count and how we can avoid drawn out results in the future. 

  • Madonna, Elton & Uncle Neil

    Harry’s uncle is singer/songwriter Neil Sedaka. Depending on how old you are, and your knowledge of pop music, you may know Uncle Neil wrote and performed a string of Top 40 hit songs from the 1950s all the way to the 1980s, a feat accomplished by only a few dozen artists. Harry digs into music chart data to find out about the changing nature of mega pop hits, how rare Uncle Neil’s success was compared to today, and if that kind of success will even be possible in the future.
