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Vote Aquí: Join Us for a Live Event on the Latino Vote

Vote Aquí: Join Us for a Live Event on the Latino Vote

RSVP for the free live event on Oct. 20 at 12 p.m. Eastern.

There is no route to the White House without Latino support: This year, with about 32 million eligible voters, they make up the largest minority group to ever take part in an election.

As a whole, they are more likely to vote for Democrats. But look closer and the story gets more complicated — and a lot more interesting.

Join Patricia Mazzei, the Miami bureau chief for The New York Times, as she sits down with Jorge Ramos, the journalist and anchor of Noticiero Univisión and a contributing Opinion writer for The Times, and former Representative Carlos Curbelo, Republican of Florida, to talk about what is driving the diverse Latino population this electoral year, what key states hinge on their vote, and what these communities are doing to transform their numbers into political power.

Have a question about the Latino vote? Submit it when you register, and it may become part of our discussion.

This event will be in English (mostly). Live captioning and translation will be available.

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